

Data as of 2022-05-03 18:57 (incomplete)

Games + Analysis      
Time control30+15  45+15  
Play & annotate classical games1015   35
Do post-mortems25   12
Link to game analysisvv   v
Comment on someone else’s game analysisvv   v
Review annotated classical game1000-14001000-1400   1600-2000
Polgar1-50-306   -1470
Everyone’s First Chess Workbookpart 1part 2   x
Puzzle Rush survival #157   19
Puzzle Rush survival #279   22
Puzzle Rush survival #3811   25
Puzzle Rush 5 min46   18
#12R\ 8/8/8/8/8/3k4/8/RKR5 w - - 0 12R\ 8/8/8/8/8/3k4/8/RKR5 w - - 0 1  xx
#2Q\ 8/8/8/8/8/1k6/8/QK6 w - - 0 1Q\ 8/8/8/8/8/1k6/8/QK6 w - - 0 1  xx
Silman’s Complete Endgame Coursexx   part 2
Endgame Sparringxx   win 3xW\ 4k3/5ppp/4p3/1p6/8/PP6/4KPPP/8 w - - 0 1
Endgame Algorithmxx   win 3 in a row\ 8/2k5/1p6/1P1K4/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
Middlegames ^^^^^^^      
Middlegame Sparring Position     15+5 (4xW 4xB, chat every 2 games)\ 2kr1bnr/ppp2ppp/2np4/8/3PPB1q/P1N1K3/1PP1B1PP/R2Q3R w - - 3 13
Material to Study      
Games to study    
Games to memorizeFool’s Mate\ Scholar’s MatePunishing an Early f6    
Videos to watch      
Interactive Assignments      
Opening Principles VideoVV    
Games + Analysis    
Time control60+30   
Play & annotate classical games    
Do post-mortems    
Link to game analysis    
Comment on someone else’s game analysis    
Review another member’s annotated game    
Review annotated classical game    
Puzzle Rush survival #1    
Puzzle Rush survival #2    
Puzzle Rush survival #3    
Puzzle Rush 5 min    
Material to Study    
Interactive Assignments    
Games + Analysis    
Time control90+30   
Play & annotate classical games    
Do post-mortems    
Link to game analysis    
Comment on someone else’s game analysis    
Review another member’s annotated game    
Review annotated classical game    
Puzzle Rush survival #1    
Puzzle Rush survival #2    
Puzzle Rush survival #3    
Puzzle Rush 5 min    
Material to Study    
Interactive Assignments    
Games + Analysis     
Time control90+30    
Play & annotate classical games    100
Do post-mortems    40
Link to game analysis    V
Comment on someone else’s game analysis    V
Review another member’s annotated game    2000-2100
Review annotated classical game    2600+
Puzzle Rush survival #1    61
Puzzle Rush survival #2    64
Puzzle Rush survival #3    67
Puzzle Rush 5 min    44+
Material to Study     
Interactive Assignments     

© Roberto Li. All rights reserved.

For general information purposes only; use your discretion.

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